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James Paterek discusses the importance of leadership in the process of empowering employees.

James Paterek

For James L. Paterek, if you had to develop a short list of the business-related themes that are the most important to him, corporate culture and the empowerment of employees would surely be towards the top of the list.

James Paterek is the Chief Operating Officer of Millbrook Support Services, Inc., a company that facilitates communication between physicians, nurses, other healthcare professionals, and government agencies. It places a strong emphasis on the Veteran's Affairs Department. He is also the founder and CEO of Paterek & Company, a private consulting firm that specializes in the Human Capital industry. His love for staffing, outsourcing, and other related topics has lasted the length of his professional life - and he's picked up some crucial lessons along the way.

The fact that your staff is your most important asset is critical to any organization, regardless of the type of company you manage or the industry in which you are involved.

One recent study found that around 69 percent of employees stated that they would undoubtedly work more if their efforts were recognized more. Take this into consideration: Together with the fact that higher-quality corporate cultures are associated with a 33 percent rise in average revenue, it is easy to see why this topic is so important to a company's current and future success in the modern-day.

However, empowering employees entails more than simply appreciating those who already work for you. It's also a critical component in attracting new customers. According to another poll, over 46 percent of respondents believe that business culture is extremely significant when deciding whether or not to apply to a new firm in the first place. A further 47 percent of those who answered the survey claimed that corporate culture was the primary reason they were looking for work in the first place.

According to James Paterek, the message is clear: organizations must do more to ensure that their employees have a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves in order to be successful. Employees of businesses devote an inordinate amount of their time and energy to achieving the goals of their employers – but the motivation to do so goes much beyond a mere paycheck.

Employees must believe that they are receiving the assistance they require in order to be as effective as feasible. They require access to the types of tools that will allow them to perform their daily tasks more efficiently and effectively. For some firms, this will necessitate a fundamental adjustment in the way they now conduct business — and that shift must originate at the highest levels of the organization.

Throughout his professional life, James Paterek has made it a point to express gratitude to those who have assisted him in getting to where he is now. For this to happen, you must first listen to them and then answer any issues they may have. As a result, he should always lead by example, never requiring someone to do something that he would not be willing to undertake himself.

Especially in today's world, where most industries are becoming more and more competitive all the time, this is an important lesson to master. This transition will be difficult, but it is necessary, especially given the fact that the Baby Boomers will be replaced in record numbers during the next 10 years by the next generation of employees.


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